An Oral History of Hong Kong Dance (1950s-70s)

Interview videos are available on project website:

This project focuses on the “pre-professionalisation era” of Hong Kong dance from the 1950s to the 1970s as the main time frame of the research. The two researchers conducted interviews in Hong Kong, the US and Canada with ten pioneers who were active in Hong Kong dance between the 1950s and 1970s, and recorded and organised the information. We hope to derive different perspectives from these pioneers’ memories, and, in the form of oral history that embodies a personal touch, construct a body of historical materials regarding the early development of Hong Kong dance.

Joanna LEE, Venus LAM

Ms Florence Mo-han Aw, Mrs Joan Campbell, Ms Cheng Wai-yung, Mr Stephen Kwok, Mr Lau Siu-ming, Ms Lau So-kam, Ms Lorita Leung, Ms Julie Ng, Mr Ng Sai-fun, and Mr Yeung Wai-kui

The Unspoken Dance: An Oral History of Hong Kong Dance (1950s-70s)

First published in January 2019
ISBN: 978-988-13599-2-6
Co-published by City Contemporary Dance Company and International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong)