Embracing Regrets

embrace, power, passion, change


I once met a girl in my class that I could never forget.

Many of us found her sentimental character hard to handle.


Her name is Lil’ Power,

Who could easily become emotional by tiny winy things and words.

With such a name, she would pay extra power when it comes to work and study.

At the same time, her emotions were like rollercoasters.


She didn’t like being sentimental, as she thought people would find her troubling.

So she kept asking herself, “why couldn’t I take things easier?

If I could, then I should be able to feel happy just as others do?”


She has always wanted to get rid of the sentimental self.

Methods like reading self-healing books, workouts, hangout with others…

But those emotions lingered and kept bringing her negative energy.


Until she encountered drawing by chance.

She found that, with the paint brushed in her hand,  colours, lights and imagery of all kinds would flood her mind, her melancholy gave her inspirations, and her emotions were all spoken through her works.


It was with her sentimental emotions that led to the creation of works with such uniqueness.

She finally was willing to embrace her emotions.

It was through her distinct angle to see the world that made her one in a million.

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