Dance at Dawn

The real-time interactive dance battle is starting
A dance never seen before, yet somehow a sense of déjà vu emerges
Show us your moves! Watch how I respond!
Artists from City Contemporary Dance Company
will dance their bold responses to whatever appears
Cracking the code of dance before your very eyes
During the performance
Do not
Rein in your imagination
Restrain your emotions
Nor restrict your movements
Come show us what you’ve got!
Dance at Dawn contains dialogue in Cantonese with Chinese and English surtitles.
Tickets now available at URBTIX
Discount Schemes at URBTIX
HK Philharmonic Orchestra Club Bravo Members
Chung Ying Theatre “Energy Fun Club plus”
Friends of HK Ballet
Friends of HK Chinese Orchestra
Friends of HK Dance Company
Zuni’s Friends
Members of HKIFF Cine Fan Classic Patron, Classic and Student Privilege Card
CUHK Credit Cardholders
HKU Credit Cardholders
City University Credit Cardholders
Fringe Club Members (Paid)
Members of Hong Kong Dance Alliance
Friends of POP Theatre
Members of Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Ltd.
Members of ManulifeMOVE
Members of E-side Dance Company
Members of MOViE MOViE
Holders of CCDC Dance Centre Dance Card
Holders of CCDC Dance Centre Kids Card
Members of HKAPA Alumni Association
Members of The Federation of Hong Kong Polytechnic University Alumni Association
Members of Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong
Staff of Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong
Staff of The Cityview
Staff of The Harbourview
Members of City University of Hong Kong Alumni
Members of Hong Kong Arts Administrators’ Association
Modern Dance Friends of Guangdong Modern Dance Company
Members of RTHK Programme Staff Union
Dance Inspirations Card Holder
Full time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients
Student Dance Inspirations Card Holder
CCDC reserves the right to substitute artists and vary advertised programmes
Creation and Performance
Dominic WONG with Annie AU, Candy HUNG, Kammy LAU, Dee TO, Tseky TSE*, Duncan TUNG and King YAU
Creation, Choreography and Costume Concept
Yuri NG
Melissa LEUNG
Rehearsal Mistress
Lighting Design
Sound Design
Anthony YEUNG
*Guest Performance
Cast A
Dominic WONG, Annie AU, Candy HUNG, Tseky TSE, Duncan TUNG, King YAU
Cast B
Dominic WONG, Candy HUNG, Kammy LAU, Dee TO, Tseky TSE, King YAU
Performed by Cast A on March 11
11 March 2021
[Thur] 7:30pm
Auditorium, Tsuen Wan Town Hall
$250 | $180 | $140
The programme lasts approximately 45 minutes with a post performance meet-the-artists session.
Programme Enquiries 2329 7803